Advice and Counselling
Lead: Women and Girls Network
T: 0808 801 0660
Solace Advice Hub
T: 0808 802 5565
Women and Girls Network Advice Hub
T: 0808 801 0660
London Legal Advice Line Rights of Women
T: 020 7608 1137
Ascent Pan London Floating Support Service
Lead: Refuge
E: panlondonfss@refuge.org.uk or pan.london.fss@refuge.cjsm.net
T: 0800 668 1419
Specialist Refuge Services
Lead: Ashiana Network
T: 020 8539 0427
Ending Harmful Practices
Lead: Asian Women's Resource Centre
T: 020 8961 6549
Pan-London safe accommodation
and support hub for survivors with no recourse to public funds
Lead: Asian Women's Resource Centre
T: 020 8961 6549
Domestic and Sexual Violence Helplines
Lead: Refuge
24-Hour Domestic Abuse Helpline
T: 0808 2000 247
Dedicated Sexual Violence Helpline (London)
T: 0808 801 0770
Rape and Sexual Violence Abuse Support Centre Helpline
T: 0808 802 9999
Prevention Services
Lead: Against Violence and Abuse (AVA)
T: 020 3752 5536
Prevention and Action through Community Engagement and Training project (P&ACT)
Lead: Asian Women's Resource Centre
T: 020 7697 4275
Support Services to Organisations
Lead: Women's Resource Centre
T: 020 7697 3450